Sunday, March 22, 2020
Elderly Co-culture Interview Essay Essay Example
Elderly Co-culture Interview Essay Paper â€Å"Everything has changed since I was your age†. is what my grandma had to state when asked about her experience turning up. My grandma. Mrs. Ruby Parker Sloan was born on December 6th. 1943 in a little town in Ohio. She was raised in a little farmhouse along with 4 sisters. Her female parent was a usual adult female of her clip ; one that stayed at place with the kids. cooked. cleaned and maintained the house. Her male parent was besides a usual adult male of his clip ; one that worked throughout the hours of the twenty-four hours in order to supply for his family-a adult male that had been working since the age of 9 old ages old. We will write a custom essay sample on Elderly Co-culture Interview Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Elderly Co-culture Interview Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Elderly Co-culture Interview Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer My grandma has raised 4 kids. including myself ; so she has seen firsthand the alterations and differences in non merely her and my coevalss. but the coevalss in between. She has experienced the alterations of racism. engineering. parenting. ethical motives. warfare and many other facets of our society. For her. she felt society as a whole has changed dramatically. One of her chief concerns of the differences of now and so was the differences in parenting. She pointed out that during her clip it was unheard of for there to be a school hiting similar to that of the Columbine or Virginia Tech incidents. She felt that had a batch to make with rearing itself ; that parents were evidently non concerned with their kids and/or non involved plenty in their lives to cognize that they were be aftering to perpetrate a mass slaying of their equals with arms stored under their ain roof. Another point that concerned her was the difference in child subject. She is a steadfast truster in â€Å"whipping†your kid instead than â€Å"no. no†and the ill-famed â€Å"five 2nd count†used by parents today. She stated that kids need to understand the effects to certain actions†¦most of which can do injury to themselves or others. One thing she said about her experience as a parent was â€Å"Some childs merely necessitate a good spankin‘â€Å" . My grandma told me that you would neer see a kid stating their parents â€Å"no†or â€Å"I hate you†during her clip. it merely didn’t happen. â€Å"There was a degree of regard between kids and their parents so. something that a batch of childs today merely don’t have any more†¦that’s the parents’ fault†is what she told me. Today’s civilization was something my grandma felt strongly about. She felt that one of the ruins of our civilization today was the publicity of sex everyplace you turn. which â€Å"especially influences the immature 1s of today†she stated. She felt that this advertisement in music. telecasting. and everyplace else you go merely teaches kids the pleasance and exhilaration of sex itself alternatively of the morality and effects involved. My grandma continued to state me a scenario where she was driving to the shop a few hebdomads ago and she heard a vocal with the chorus â€Å"birthday sex†and that the individual singing it sounded really immature. â€Å"What the snake pit is that all about†she said. â€Å"It’s awful how these grownups that promote and advertise this material are okay with it†she stated. My grandma said telecasting didn’t even show pregnant adult females on it when she was turning up. her parents besides slept in different beds during that clip. Elvis Presley was looked upon severely by parents of her clip because of the sexual nature of his dance. â€Å"You can’t even turn to the household channel without seeing a show about a pregnant adolescent or some kind of sexual thing traveling on†¦it’s merely sad†she said. She besides felt that this publicity of sex to childs and immature grownups was the cause of self esteem issues and that it was besides the perpetrator for a batch of childs these yearss â€Å"thinkin’ they’re grown because sex is such a cool and grown up thing to do†. Arouse these yearss. to her. is making nil but directing the incorrect message to immature grownups about self visual aspect and determination devising when it comes down to compensate or wrong. When my grandma was turning up engineering was. a fortunate household on the street having a black and white telecasting. There was no electronic mail. texting. cell-phones. etc. Peoples still entirely relied on the old fashioned cast and envelope method†¦or even a more advanced version†¦the wire. My grandma ever mentions how much she loves her high definition. level screen telecasting ; something she could neer conceive of bing as a kid. My grandma ever seems to be amazed by engineering today. and it besides seems she is normally 10 old ages behind the apprehension of today’s engineering. During our conversation. she continually referred to her DVD participant as a â€Å"VCR†. She besides seemed amazed by the promotion in today’s computing machine and picture games to that of even when I was a kid with a first coevals Nintendo. My grandma has been around to travel from the record participant. 8track participant. cassette participant. Cadmium participant. all the manner to the digital MP3 participants that can keep 1000s of vocals in something half the size of a deck of cards. â€Å"it merely amazes me†¦technology today†¦just imagine where it will be when you’re [ me ] my age! †she said. Talking to my grandma in an interview manner was a really interesting experience. It gave me penetration on a different clip that was experienced by someone†¦a clip that has passed and will neer be relived the same. It caused me to believe of how I am at the same point in my life that she was at my age ; it besides caused me to inquire how things will differ from today and two coevalss from now. Society has changed drastically since my grandmothers’ coevals and it will go on to turn throughout mine the same†¦hopefully for the better. but I guess it’s all about who you ask.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Profile of Pakistans ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence)
Profile of Pakistan's ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence) Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) is the country’s largest of its five intelligence services. It is a controversial, sometimes rogue organization that Benazir Bhutto, the late Pakistani prime minister, once termed a â€Å"state within a state†for its tendency to operate outside of the Pakistani government’s control and at cross-purposes with American anti-terror policy in South Asia. The International Business Times ranked the ISI as the top intelligence agency in the world in 2011. How the ISI Became so Powerful The ISI became that â€Å"state within a state†only after 1979, largely thanks to billions of dollars in American and Saudi aid and armament covertly channeled exclusively through the ISI to the mujahideen of Afghanistan to fight the Soviet occupation of that country in the 1980s. Muhammad Zia ul-Haq, Pakistans military dictator from 1977-1988 and the countrys first Islamist leader, had positioned himself as the indispensable ally of American interests against Soviet expansion in South Asia and the ISI as the indispensable clearinghouse through which all aid and armament would flow. Zia, not the CIA, decided what insurgent groups got what. The arrangement was to have far-reaching implications the CIA didnt foresee, making Zia and the ISI the unlikely (and, in retrospect, disastrous) hinge of U.S. policy in South Asia. The ISI’s Complicity With the Taliban For their part, Pakistan’s leaders- Zia, Bhutto and Pervez Musharraf among them- seldom hesitated to use the ISI’s double-dealing skills to their advantage. That’s especially true regarding Pakistan’s relationship with the Taliban, which the ISI helped create in the mid-1990s and subsequently finance, arm and keep in business as a hedge against India’s influence in Afghanistan. Either directly or indirectly, the ISI has never stopped supporting the Taliban, even after 2001 when Pakistan ostensibly became an ally of the United States in the war on al-Qaeda and the Taliban. â€Å"Thus,†British-Pakistani journalist Ahmad Rashid wrote in Descent Into Chaos, Rashid’s analysis of the failed American mission in South Asia between 2001 and 2008, â€Å"even as some ISI officers were helping U.S. officers locate Taliban targets for U.S. bombers [in 2002], other ISI officers were pumping in fresh armaments to the Taliban. On the Afghan side of the border, [Northern Alliance] intelligence operatives compiled lists of the arriving ISI trucks and handed them to the CIA.†Similar patterns continue to this day, especially on the Afghan-Pakistani border, where Taliban militants are believed often to be tipped off by ISI operatives of impending American military action. A Call for the ISI’s Dismantling As a report by the Defense Academy, a British Ministry of Defense think tank, concluded in 2006, â€Å"Indirectly, Pakistan [through the ISI] has been supporting terrorism and extremism- whether in London on 7/7 or in Afghanistan or Iraq.†The report called for the dismantling of the ISI. In July 2008, the Pakistani government attempted to bring the ISI under civilian rule. The decision was reversed within hours, thus underscoring the power of the ISI and the weakness of the civilian government. On paper (according to the Pakistani Constitution), the ISI is answerable to the prime minister. In reality, the ISI is officially and effectively a branch of the Pakistani military, itself a semi-autonomous institution that has either overthrown Pakistan’s civilian leadership or ruled over the country for most of its independence since 1947. Located in Islamabad, the ISI boasts a staff of tens of thousands, much of it army officers and enlisted men, but its reach is much more vast. It exercises that reach through retired ISI agents and militants under its influence or patronage- including the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and several extremists groups in Kashmir, the province Pakistan and India have been disputing for decades. The ISI’s Complicity With al-Qaeda â€Å"By the fall of 1998,†Steve Coll writes in Ghost Wars, a history of the CIA and al-Qaeda in Afghanistan since 1979, â€Å"CIA and other American intelligence reporting had documented many links between ISI, the Taliban, [Osama] bin Laden and other Islamic militants operating from Afghanistan. Classified American reporting showed that Pakistani intelligence maintained about eight stations inside Afghanistan, staffed by active ISI officers or retired officers on contract. CIA reporting showed that Pakistani intelligence officers at about the colonel level met with bin Laden or his representatives to coordinate access to training camps for volunteer fighters headed for Kashmir.†Pakistan’s Overriding Interests in South Asia The pattern reflected Pakistan’s agenda in the late 1990s, which has changed little in subsequent years: Bleed India in Kashmir and ensure Pakistani influence in Afghanistan, where Iran and India also compete for influence. Those are the controlling factors that explain Pakistan’s apparently schizophrenic relationship with the Taliban: bombing it in one place while propping it up in another. Should American and NATO forces withdraw from Afghanistan (just as American aid ended after the Soviet withdrawal from that country in 1988), Pakistan doesn’t want to find itself without a controlling hand there. Supporting the Taliban is Pakistan’s insurance policy against a repeat of American withdrawal at the end of the cold war. â€Å"Today,†Benazir Bhutto said in one of her last interviews in 2007, â€Å"its not just the intelligence services who were previously called a state within a state. Today, its the militants who are becoming yet another little state within the state, and this is leading some people to say that Pakistan is on the slippery slope of being called a failed state. But this is a crisis for Pakistan, that unless we deal with the extremists and the terrorists, our entire state could founder.†Pakistan’s successive governments, in large part through the ISI, created the now seemingly out-of-control conditions that prevail in Pakistan that enable the Taliban, al-Qaeda offshoot al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS) and other militant groups to call the northwestern part of the country their sanctuary.
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