Sunday, January 26, 2020
Functionalism Of The Marx Conflict Theory Sociology Essay
Functionalism Of The Marx Conflict Theory Sociology Essay According to Emile Durkheim and more recently with Talcott Parsons (Marshall 1994: 190-1) functionalism refers to system which interrelated with connection of several elements and each and every one of it has their own purpose of existence. Each elements play significant roles and responsibility to contribute within the system (Anderson and Taylor, 2005). Society had classified into different classes and status from low to high, but functional of duties difficult to verify significance of individual roles in society. Every character in society is essential roles within the system to circulate and they tend to affects each other. Contributions of every job have their own rewards but normally not all are equally paid. For examples, like stars they earn more than ordinary jobs like nurses but it does not represent the nurses are not play significant roles in society. Although nurses have less power and prestige than the stars, their functional position more vital compare to stars. Karl Marx is the first developer of conflicts theory used the hypothesis to explain about the development and revolution of industrials, he pointed out that emphasis of materialist among the culture of industries. Example like the 19th century of Europe, labour market was primarily control by groups of capitalists who were wealthy with outsized assets. Capitalists overuse their authority towards workers cause exploitation and rise up conflicts between them. At earlier times labours are treated like slave with getting value that lesser than what they have created in production and have no rights to voice up their inequality. Unfair treatment towards the labour show the gaps of power differences between the classes of society, the richest upper class who own the assets and poorest lower class who sell their labour time to. 1.3 Symbolic Interactionism Sociologists clarify the interactionism theory explain about communication among people within verbally and symbolic in order to share or approach meaning or messages (LaRossa and Reitzes, 1993). Symbolic interactionism enables human using various symbols to interact with others and impart appropriate meaning and messages with common languages (Mead, 1934). Indirectly, symbols and behaviours that individual present are majorly influence by social norms and believe. Each individual have their own specific perspectives and way to behave hence through interaction some symbols may created and develop. Meaning of symbols which attempt to send to others must be correctly connected to particular meaning and words which related in order to help receiver understand clearly and better or otherwise it will lead to misunderstanding and conflicts between each other. 2.0 Early Conflicts Theories à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ Karl Marx The earliest conflicts theories derived from Second World War period while the capitalists power over whelmed the labour market. Labours been treated as slaves work within the company and treated unfairly. The values that created by labours are more than what they deserve to received and caused exploitation. The earlier conflict theories emphasized more on inequality treatment of labours in industrials and value perceptions of people at earlier time ago (Swingwood, 1975). Capitalists maximize their authority on labour force to maximize production and profits and minimize time consuming. Labours welfare been ignored and status are classified as lower class which groups that always discriminate by society especially upper class capitalists. In early industrial sectors, Karl Marx allocates the society to two primary classes: Bourgeoisie, the party who own most of the assets such as monetary capitals, machines or factory and virtually monopolize the economy markets and Proletariat, the workers who sell their efforts and contribute to the industries (McAll, 1992). Due to scarcity resources of society, owners tend to get advantages from others. Capitalists over practice their authority and caused conflicts between classes, hence labours dissatisfaction arise the changes of social system to solve the exploitation problems (Anderson and Taylor, 2006). Karl Marx believes that if the conflicts situation keeps on remaining, the society will overcome the capitalism issues. After on at 1930, Max Weber, a German sociologist had developed a bureaucratic form which derived from Marxist capitalism theory. Max Weber emphasized the rules and regulation will certify the legitimate power which is the basis of social conflicts (Wesolowski, 1979). He believes that if the legitimate power does not be identify officially it would bring conflicts upon. Recent System Thinking on Conflicts Theories Max Weber bureaucracy system is broadly applied by all organizations now or should say as it had become basis element of organizations. The standardize process with rules and regulations assist management system more efficiently to manage labour force and resources. However, systematic process needs to improve to comply with external factors of organizations. According to the rapidly changing environment nowadays it would be challenge for organization to adapt to the various factors of environment. System can be determine in three degrees whether it is open system or closed system and group into two vital model, entropy which more refers to closed system which movement towards system run down and negentropy which refers to system which movement forward to advance structure (Bailey, 1990). The sociologist Niklas Luhmann (1927-1988) had develop system theory approach to examine the conflicts occur between system of organizations and the environment (Nollman, 2005). Luhmann explain differentiation of system and environment is one of complicate. Environment used to be more complex than system since there are few factors to be considered and try assembling it to adapt with owns culture system of organizations. Autopoietic system were develop by Luhmann which explained that it taking system like legal system or bureaucracy system as references among others. The system has four characteristic which can used to explain the system nowadays too. Firstly, autopoietic system generates its elements, for example money in economic market. Without the certification of value by market, money will not be valuable and just a paper. Both related and influence each other in the system. Autopoietic system is self-orientated to lay down boundaries and coordinate their organizations structure. The system usually set own limitations and regulations of managing structure of company. The system of autopoietic is self-reference within the economic system. As example, economic system created value for money and at the same time it considers the market to determine the price. Furthermore, autopoietic is a closed system which means the system does not directly attach with the environment (Esposito, 1996). Groups of people from lower class like labour might not have the ability to join within the system hence it shows that in economic market only involves who are wealthy and able to invest into the market. Communications are essentials part to solve conflicts. Within the standardize system it might be efficient but not truly effective. Interactions between people are importance to identify and understand each other. Society and psychic system have mutual element, both rely on communication to get the actual meaning of interaction (Ritzer, 2008). Sometimes, different people might using different way to approach others but meaning are not necessary propose, because meaning derived from particular words that been selected. Media nowadays will exercise different ways of sending messages to consumers, but some meaning might be hazy and hidden lead the consumer to the wrong information. This problem been declare by Luhmann and called it as double contingency. Double contingency discuss about the trouble of communication between parties and considerations of sending the correct messages. Society form by different cultures, norms and religions hence people all have their own believes and behaviour. Message sending by an individual to others might explain in other ways. As long as receiver understand the meaning which related and connected to particular words the information will be correctly present or else conflicts might occur. Luhmann, the first system theorists had develop sociology approach to solve the difficulties that organization facing. System could be adapt to external factors that might bring negative impacts to company. Both system and environment indirectly are interrelated to each others, with absence of one, it either will be hard to stand by its own. 4.0 Communication as on-going struggle Within system, communication acts an essential role to deliver appropriate information to the public. But not all information allowed to exposes to the society. Hence, this had cause misunderstanding and conflict rises between communication systems because of forbidden objectives or motif. As a lively examples showed will be conflicts between community, media and government. Therefore, government act as the capitalist within the system and media act as intermediaries to send information to society. Government are the main authority with supervising the society system hence, they monopolise the whole market. For that reason, government had entirely dominated mediaà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s activities and that is where the struggles occur. Media had limitations of rights to deliver information to society. Their delivery information are red tape by government to avoid conflicts arise with the society. The forbidden information of government rises up conflicts as well even without declaration of media despite of every individual are sensitive to aware of any threaten information that will bring negative effects towards them. From the above, conflicts of society had verified that communication of recent system theory still consist with on-going struggle. 5.0 Comparison of early conflicts and recent conflicts Comparing the earlier and modern theories of conflicts, we can view that in early time conflicts theories arise because of inequality and division of labours with different classes of society. Power and capitals which monopolize the economy markets and exploit the labours that classify as lower class and get discriminate. Marx and Weber both consent towards the facts of conflicts arises from profit thinking of the capitalists or who with most authority (Henslin, 2002). However the sociologists have their own explanation towards economic order, Marx classifies that early centuries class of society conflicts and capitalists are the elements which monopolize the economic market. Another hand Weber states that power relationships are determined by character of political power and they have their own significant responsibilities. Between these two sociologists conflict theories, Weber conflict theories can enforce social change but Marxist only promote changes of system itself (Cohen, 200 0). Until nowadays, conflicts still arise between owners and labours but for modern conflict theories, but the difference is older days workers struggle for basic survival but workers nowadays struggle for more to authority and job entitlement. The welfare of workers does improve and partly solve struggles among both capital and labour. The capitalist phenomena had over taken by modern system theories but still conflicts maintaining such as the conflicts of challenges towards their job advancement or power. Furthermore, conflicts like discrimination of status and classes still exist between societies. 5.0 Conclusion Nowadays majorly business are globalise hence organizations have to adapt to the challenging environment which full with new factors like technology. In order to improve efficiency, conflicts are the natural process to be experience and develop social changes. Capitalists who owned more assets are main authority to supervise the labour process yet people might misuse the power for own interests. The unbalance of social life will be still exist and so with conflicts, but both does not appear to be crucial mode like early years. Conflicts are continuous and might difficult to handle, but conflicts had lead organizations to more advanced system and make improvements. Communication between individuals helps improving understanding each other and minimizes the occurrence of conflicts but if the information does not send or approach properly it might cause another troubles and make the circumstances worsen. (1995) words
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Porters 5 force analysis of Fast food industry Essay
Porter generic strategies this is a strategy on the dimensions of the strategic scope meaning the market penetration and strategic strength referring to the company. For porter an industry is impacted by five forces. (Porter, 1985) This study is going to examine the aviation industry, which is amongst the biggest and competitive industry and highly growing Rivalry In a convectional economic setup, competition among rival companies reduces profits of the companies to nil. However, competition can not be perfect and companies are so sophisticated to counter competition by gaining competitive advantage over their rivals. Competition varies depending on the different industries. In the aviation industry the competition is high as there are many companies offering the same services. In pursing the competitive advantage in the industry, the aviation industry can continue to improve its services by introducing new products. At the same time the industry can innovate new ways of services, and improved its general operations. The aviation industry is very competitive and companies in the industry need to merge to reduce competition while gaining competitive advantage. As it is now several companies has collapsed due to high competition in the industry. (Porter, 1985) Threat of substitutes Substitutes in an industry according to Porter (1985) are products from other industries. A threat of a substitute will occur when the demand of the product is affected by changing of price of a substitute product. The price elasticity of a product is directly affected by the availability of substitutes. Since availability of substitutes will make the demand of a product to be more elastic. In The case of the aviation industry, the industry is getting threats of substitute from the other transportation industry such as road, water and rail transportation networks. Though, aviation industry offers the fastest traveling services, security risks and high air fares have made its customers to opt of these other substitutes. According to Aaker (1984) the industry   can wade off fear of substitutes, by building strong and unique services, having good customer orientation and creating attractive marketing strategies to attract more customers and retain existing ones. Buyer power This is the impact that buyers have on a specific industry. Generally if there is a strong buyer power, the relation between the industry and the buyer is termed as â€Å"monopsony†such a condition happens when there is one buyer and many suppliers. On the other hand buyers are weak when they are many or different segments  and there is no specific buyer who has particular influence on the price of the product. Aviation industry has a weak buyers, the industry can have take advantage of this by setting prices of its services  customer friendly and offering a high product-mix on the market to satisfy the demand of various customer segments. (Porter, 1985) Supplier power Porter, (1980) states that, each industry needs raw material, components and labor and other provisions. This need creates supplier-buyer relationships between the companies which provide the raw material and the industry. In cases where suppliers are powerful, the can impact the industry through selling of the raw material highly. However, sometimes suppliers are weak, this happens when there are many suppliers for the same product or if the purchasers are many. In the aviation industry, suppliers are many and the industry is not impacted by the suppliers. Aaker (1984) observes that, the industry can use economic of scale to source for better deals to ensure that it gets the best quality of raw material at the best prices. Barriers to entry Apart from rivals posing threat to existing companies, new entries in the industry also pose a threat the existing companies and increases competition in the industry. In practice any company should be able to enter and leave the market. Nevertheless, aviation industry has features that protect high profits of the companies in that industry and restrain additional competitors from entering the industry. Aviation industry has many regulations and licenses both national and international which an new has to adhere to before entering the industry, this has restricted some potential new comers who can not adhere to this requirements. (Porter, 1980) Conclusion Industry analysis in important in improving and ensuring the success of a company, in industry analysis there are several tools that are used to analysis the performance of a an industry. Porter’s five forces is one of the tools that are used in industry analysis, to provide vital information concerning the performance of the industry in relation to the five forces which are Rivalry, Threat of substitutes, Buyer power, Supplier power and Barriers to entry.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Economic Problems of the Philippines Essay
Economic problems of the Philippines are very similar to those being battled by other underdeveloped and developing nations. After a long tryst with colonization, the nation is now grappling with increased imports and a mixed economy that is still to stabilize. The Republic of the Philippines is located in Southeast Asia and Manila is its capital city. The country comprises 7,107 islands and ranks as the 12th most populous country in the world. Like most other southeast Asian regions, the Philippines too has a history of European colonization. It was a colony of Spain and the USA. The country is now home to multiple cultures and traditional ethnicity. It is also looked upon as a perfect example of a ‘mixed economy’. Industrialization is a new development in the Philippines. Traditionally, the economy stabilized on the agrarian contributions and the manufacture of garments, pharmaceutical products and semiconductors. In the last decade, electronic exports added to the exports, including various products obtained by mining. The economy of the nation also largely depends on the remittances from Filipinos residing overseas and investing in the homeland. However, exports are not evenly balanced by the imports that include heavy electronics, garments, various raw materials, intermediate goods and fuel. The influence of the Manila galleon on the nation’s economy during the Spanish period, and bilateral trade when the country was a colony of the United States has resulted in the preference of a mixed economy over a centrally planned or market based one. It is very important to understand the shift during the Ferdinand Marcos leadership, from a market economy to a centrally planned economy, to relate to the economic recession that the country is now facing. With adverse global trends and the world economy entering a protracted depression, in 2011, the Philippines faced another economic downturn. The country’s lack of internal economic strength due to the absence of core manufacturing sector and an absence of firm and bold domestic policy initiatives have led the economy to be dependent on the state of the global economy. Thereby making it vulnerable to external shocks. Here we try to look at three possible challenges posed to growth and real development of the economy in 2012, based upon the insights provided by the economic policy-making and decisions by the Aquino administration in 2011. Major Financial Problems of the Philippines Over-dependence on Global Economy The growth of the Philippines economy drastically slowed to just 3.6% in the first three quarters of 2011, which is significantly less than the 7%-8% growth targeted by administration’s Philippine Development Plan (PDP). Though the slowdown may have been due to the ongoing global crisis, it was markedly slower in comparison to other South-East Asian neighbors. Economic performance figures indicated a contraction in exports and a drop in FDI. Though the remittances from overseas Filipinos to the country grew in the first ten months of 2011, however the compensation that overseas Filipinos received actually fell, in peso terms, due to an appreciating peso. In 2011 the Aquino administration sought a FTA (Free Trade Agreement) with the EU and join the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). The administration further allowed the US to even more directly influence Philippine economic policy making in its self-interest, by entering in a Partnership for Growth (PfG). These partnerships will consequently further the dependence of the economy on the global economy, whereas a regional arrangement between less unequal Southeast Asian countries is potentially useful. Greater attention has to be paid to addressing to the internal problems of the economy and enhancing domestic-oriented growth. A policy of removing structural impediments to growth has to be adopted with lesser focus on foreign investors and exporters. Unemployment The official unemployment figures for the Philippines in 2011 are among the worst in Asia, higher than its South-East Asian neighbors and according to the International Labor Organization the country is among the worst one-fourth in the world in terms of unemployment rates. Without a strong manufacturing industry or real Filipino industry, the economy will be unable to create enough decent paying jobs. Till then manufacturing or services will remain substandard, or of low value-addition. According to employment figures, jobs in the Philippines manufacturing sector increased by just 8% of the total employment. Nearly three out of every ten people in the labor force are looking for work or are jobless. The mining sub-sector said to be one of the fastest growing industry in 2011 failed to generate new jobs (just 0.6 % of total employment). Steadily rising inflation has contributed to the erosion of the value of the minimum wage. Though the Aquino administration increased the minimum wage and announced cash dole-outs but lack of quality decent paying jobs and higher real wages continue to be a problem. The government’s policy to encourage foreign capital, even if in just low value-added assembly operations will continue to hinder real growth and development of the manufacturing sector. The Aquino administration needs to plan over the long-term, and prepare an industrialization program that encourages value-addition manufacturing or services and builds Filipino-owned industries. Misplaced Fiscal Austerity Practicing fiscal austerity just to get favorable credit ratings can be counterproductive. The Aquino administration, in 2011, pursued fiscal austerity and spent 2.1% less in the first 11 months than it did in the same period last year. This along with increased revenues brought down the fiscal deficit and subsequently international credit rating agencies Standard and Poor’s, Moody’s and Fitch upgraded the country’s credit ratings and outlooks. In 2011 the government cut spending on economic services, including infrastructure, in the same vein did not fill in for shortfalls in education, health and housing sectors. As a result, over the first three quarters of 2011, income from public construction contracted by about 46% whereas government consumption reduced by a mere 1.7% in comparison to the same period last year. Misplaced austerity measures and an exaggerated concern about credit ratings contracts the economy, reduces demand and undermines future growth. The proposed public private partnerships (PPPs) are a poor substitute to real investment and public expenditure, because the former are majorly driven by short-term profit while the latter play a vital role to create development. These are just some of the economic challenges looming large over the Philippines. The country is facing significant decline in industrial production, gross domestic product, income and employment and sales. The Aquino presidency supposedly is getting the support of the people, as indicated by its high approval ratings, for the necessary economic measures that are in the general public interest. In 2011, the Aquino administration’s policy choices to give greater weight to narrow foreign and domestic elite interests, unfortunately, underscores the challenge of pushing for real reform in 2012.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Cybercriminals in Credit Card Fraud - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 9 Words: 2768 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/10/10 Did you like this example? Introduction Thieves are currently turning into cybercrimes with a lot of anonymity because they think they are easier, more profitable and less dangerous. They prefer these cyber-attacks and particularly now engaging with online groups to execute more crimes especially on credit card frauds. The online criminal groups employ more sophisticated means of criminal activities using different styles of skilled players and moving within computer networks in unidentified names (Meyer, 1989). Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Cybercriminals in Credit Card Fraud" essay for you Create order The stolen credit cards or ‘carding is later traded to outside countries like the Russia, Europe, USA and other places where their law enforcement cooperation lax and difficulties in extradition. The individual cyber criminals who used to work independently have now realized the significance of seeking expert help from the organized online groups who are pursuing credit card frauds (Boradhurst, Grabosky, Alazab, Chon, 2014). Carding or otherwise referred to as the credit card fraud is a major problem nowadays. The action requires the most skilled people who have technical abilities to carry out this kind of crimes. Many organized cyber criminals may not have these skills and therefore are on the move to look for the groups who can operate these activities online without being caught. Therefore, there has been a lot of virtual black market activities that are taking place worldwide where the groups are availing themselves with their skills and how they can comfortably hack websites for fraud. With the use of various recording gadgets, many credit card fraudsters are stealing both debit and credit card data at many places of online payments of restaurants, gas stations, banks and many other places where payments do occur. Therefore, the research will reflect on the cyber criminals who are now embarking on credit card frauds seeking more organized groups online for further criminal activities, and how these cyber-attacks can be curbed.  Research Design In this research, analysis of the existing data has been used to explain how currently offending cyber criminals are engaging in credit card fraud seek out organized online crime groups to support further offending. Some motivations are behind cyber crimes. Lately, these online activities have shifted their focus from the small attacks on the computers to revolve around financial gains. The credit card fraud or carding is one major financial problem faced by the majority of people who conduct online banking services through purchases and sales. These fraudsters use malware or phishing emails to access the individual financial details from the bank, or they can also operate a criminal damage like hacking and even the defacement of the website. However, there are always children who commit the cyber crimes, but for them, they are not always for any financial gains but general maliciousness, gaining power or respect from the online communities and even revenging for other unorthodox act ions that might have been done to them. Most of these online crimes that include carding have now taken more advanced levels of their operations that have now sought out more organized groups from the online community to further their activities. Moreover, the in-depth online technical skills do not necessarily apply to offenders in their hacking and cyber-dependent and other cyber-enabled crimes (Tomison, 2014). The presence of sophisticated and automated malware tools, available online have considerably boosted the skills of those who were unskilled. Other complex activities that are opening up are paving ways for the armatures as there are always some tutorials on the hacking styles found online. A tiny but advanced group of cyber offenders who are now taking advantage of the credit card activities online to some extent are thought to be involved in the creation of these sophisticated tools. These tools are then made available so that the only semi and unskilled offenders can eventually get access to them. According to the analysis of the existing evidence of cyber crimesFurnell, they are not only about technical skills but rely immensely on the behavior of the victim in question. The current social engineering technologies are vital in the quest of deceiving computer-users on the reasons of a file or even an email sent to them. Phishing emails are consistently being designed to mirror the one in the bank or any other organizations to convince the owners into providing their information used to withdraw money. Case study evidence has proven that some of the traditional protocols of organized crime groups have embraced the values of the high-tech methods of hacking and carding (Choo and Smith 2008). Through the use of extortion, credit card forgery, money laundering, and many other online frauds have provided a conducive environment for the criminals. These groups do not always work themselves online, but according to the empirical data evidence, they are sometimes forced to pay for the information they have received online to execute their activities, to operate in the real world and not the virtual world. In addition to the study, the cyber crimes nowadays do not operate in the original way of activities. They are currently adopting the idea of working as looser online networks, where they are organized into groups of cyber criminals as a form of global market places (Roderic Broadhurst, 2014). They are now recruiting more individual members into their teams so that they can be able to operate as a more organized lot of skilled technicians. The groups are thus working together in an organized structure, where the individuals the group are connected by the same governance and hierarchy and therefore work together as loose affiliations for a shorter time. Researchers have come up with data from the previously existing results like in the USA, where they have explored the way these groups work and maneuver across different networks, where they interacted with them through online forums (Lusthaus, 2013). Through their findings, they came up with the discussion of how these organized group s are working with one another to ensure that they do more comprehensive work that will translate into more benefits to them. Research Site and Sampling Strategy Qualitative research has been utilized to provide a clear understanding of the offending behavior. The study involves three stages of the sampling strategies, where the first stage provides an in-depth knowledge of the qualitative analysis of the documents from courts, specifically the courts judgments and sentencing remarks. These courts judgments are particularly extraditions that involve the computer frauds and any other means of unauthorized access in Australia. A systematic review has been used to identify the court cases that are relevant to the cyber crimes who are looking for online groups to employ their activities in a more organized manner (Muhammad Adnan Tariq, 2012). During the process, the documents that were available on public databases were found and then retrieved. However, these results were just from a selected sample of a larger population of the cyber crimes happening daily. The cases that were found legit and relevant in this sample of the population were a tot al of 54 cases, where 12 were female and 42 male offenders. According to a classification of the type of offense, 44.4% had committed a fraud offense while 27.8% had committed a hacking offense and 27.8% had committed offenses that were classified as both fraud and hacking. The second sampling strategy consisted of interviews that involved officers of the law enforcement within the units of computer crimes and frauds specialists. These enforcement officers were from four different policing agencies; the Australian Federal Police, Victoria Police, the Queensland Police Service and the Western Australian Police (Queensland Police, 2014). The interviews targeted the officers who had experiences and prior knowledge and the notion of the offenders who have been singled out by the criminal justice systems. The types of interviews involved various styles, where open-ended interviews were typical, in addition to one-on-one and semi-structured. The structure of the forms of; the background of the interviewee, where they discussed the time they have been under the policing agencies. The study of the characteristics of the offenders including their age, family status, gender, and employment status. The skills and the expertise the offenders have including involvem ent of other types of offenses and offenders. The target selection, the motivations, the reactions of the offenders and the law enforcement. The law enforcers interviewed 15 officers, where 14 were male, and 1 was a female. The duration of interviews ranged from 32 minutes to an hour and 16 minutes (Cross, Kelly, 2016). The third stage of research site and strategy of the sample used was on the interviews of active and former offenders. These interviews took place on a face to face type of interview, where the participants recruited were from within Australia. The type of sampling used here is a snowball sampling strategy, non-random and purposive method. The initial recruitment employed the informal networks, those that are known to the researcher who studied in the information technology industries. They also challenged to source more participants that they may come across. The advantage of this approach is that the recruiters can convince the potential participants that the researchers who want to get the information is a legitimate one and will not in any way expose their names without their consent (Yip, 2013). The recruitment consisted of advising the participants concerning the research and what it entailed by giving out the contact details of the researcher. As a consequence, the partici pants are tested on their self-discipline and members of the target population. For them, having the contact details of the researchers will enable them to be free in their information and are thus in control of the amount of content to be relayed to the researchers (Choo, Smith, 2008). The interviews used here were one-on-one, open ended, and semi structured. The questions covered include; employment and living environments, time involved in offending, involvement in other illegal behavior, experiences with police and other criminal justice system and how skills were obtained and improved among other questions. Advantages and Disadvantages of the Research Design The research designs employed here have some limitations that affect the researcher. The limitations that are encountered when using court documents are that many matters of the courts are heard not in all courts but the lower courts. Therefore, the judgments here may not be published, and as a result, they are difficult to determine the matters that involved computer crimes including credit card crimes (Hutchings, 2014). Another demerit that affects the research strategy is that the cases brought before the courts are not the actual representations of the larger population of online fraudsters and hackers who are operating in organized groups and are supposed to be apprehended and prosecuted. The samples of the active and other offenders, who were initially involved in these types of activities, are not the exact representation of the population of the offenders. Also, those who agree to be interviewed may also have different results from those of the offenders themselves. Nonetheless, one advantage of the strategy was that the sample was not to include the offenders who are part of the cyber criminals or any organized crime syndicate. The results may also include mainstream offenders who in a group may collectively cause cyber crimes of carding and creates fear of victimization (Etges, Sutcliffe, 2008). They may reflect on how the organized groups can cause damage to the victims through their online malicious crimes. The advantage here was that the offenders who have been identified by the criminal justice are suitable for the research, as the information they will be relying upon will cover to a larger extent whether the activities were individual or they sought out the organized groups from the online communities to further their criminal activities Data Collection Methods The method of collecting data used in the research is the analysis of the pre-existing database of cyber criminal profiles to produce a methodology for profiling offenders (Warikoo, 2014). Therefore, the statistical analyses of the cyber criminals engaging in group activities to operate the credit card crimes are determined, where their motives, psychology and the general behaviors are studied. The respondents who were identified for the research questions were those who had some knowledge of the cyber crimes activities. They include those who were active cyber users and were relevant for the contributions they were making to the research. The profiling of these cyber criminals has been used to get the information of how they engage in the credit card frauds and the associated groups they tend to follow to pursue more criminal activities (Dà ©cary-hà ©tu, Leppà ¤nen, 2016). Consequently, the participants of the interviews were extensively involved with questions about their invol vement and possible reasons. Open-ended questions were used in the interviews, and the format was maintained. They asked to particularly identify the characteristics which were inherent in the activities of carding and which might translate into something that may be understood by the research body and seen as precursors of criminal behaviors (Ablon, 2015). The interviews were entirely unstructured to ensure there is a free flow of information and also to keep open the option of a clear probing as needed by the researcher. Throughout the interviews, the participants were asked to come up with information that contained their previous knowledge of the academic qualifications and personal experiences to bring on board the features of the cyber criminals. After the interview process was done, the responses were then collected by the researchers and the frequent instances of cyber crimes that emanated from the results were identified. They were then classified under one joint head, after which a particular profile was developed. A profile is an explanation of a criminals characteristics that is arrived at without having the prior knowledge of the identity of that individual criminal. Therefore, it is a psychological study of defined features that are most common in certain kinds of criminals. The profiling is essential when the research is focusing on narrowing down to the specific field of suspects, whether they are cyber criminals of hacking or credit card fraudsters (Bequai, 2001). Through the results of the methodology, various factors led to the happening of these cyber-attacks. One of the reasons was the motives of the fraudsters. What motivates the cyber criminals to operate their activities mostly are reasons like monetary gains, emotions, intolerance, and disregard for the law, thrill-seeking and political beliefs (Choo, 2008). The psychological reasons also are what propel them to carry out the cyber-attacks. These include; determination, insensitivity and being passionate about computer know-how. The general behaviors of these criminals is also another primary reason for operating these activities where some are bullies by nature, resourceful, marginalized, low self-worth, lack of social skills, radical and anti-establishment. One of the advantages of using the particular strategy of the methodology is due to its speedy results. The results are easily collected with online, and any other mobile tools, where the questions are directly asked through the interviews and the answers are given immediately. The cyber criminals would be asked many questions and will be received directly by the researcher as the results should reflect on what already exists in the database. Besides, the interviews and questionnaires will allow the researcher to gather different information for comparisons from various audiences at a particular period. The participants are also assured of their anonymity, something that will make them provide enough information needed for the research. On the hand, disadvantages also exist where there are differences on the part of understanding and interpretation of the data (Chantler, 1995). The trouble arizes when presenting the questions to the participants by face-to-face methods where each of the participants may have different interpretations of the questions. Therefore, unless there is someone who is conversant with the computer technology to identify the various cyber crimes that may have occurred, then the concepts may be missed. Conclusion In general, the techniques used by the cyber criminals to carry out their criminal activities online through carding and integrations with different organized groups have been the trend. They use the different technological know-how to look for more members online who can connect to different types of crimes where carding is the most prevalent. Therefore, through the research, the strategic approach has to be implemented to curb the problem once and for all. New members have been recruited through the various online means where they meet to conduct their criminal activities. Most of these cyber crimes are moving from individual participation in more organized online groups. Through the interviews administered in the methodology, the participants were willing to share their experiences of cyber crimes and particularly the interviews that entailed those who previously were hackers. Through the results of the courts records of the cases that have brought to court for the hearing, it also provided good sources evidence for the online activities that are conducted in groups.
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