Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Euripides Medea As A Play By A Feminist Tragedian
Claimed to be a play by a feminist tragedian, Euripides’ Medea is ultimately strife with themes of otherness and penultimately, stereotypical ancient Greek gender notions. Medea, who is from Colchis, an island considered to be barbarous by the Greeks, falls in love with the Greek hero, Jason of the Argonauts. Together they adventured, creating enemies. After settling in Corinth with their sons, Jason accepts a proposal from Creon, the king of Corinth, to marry his daughter, Glauce, â€Å"as marriage is imposed on women by masters†(Pucci, 66) Now, Medea is the other woman. Being the other woman who must be exiled shows the little value of women. Even though both Medea and her children were being sent away, only Jason’s children are allowed to one day return. It is because â€Å"family is the first means through which the master generates an extension of himself in the future, a sort of immortality for his genos†(Pucci, 103). By family, it is meant specifically sons. Because of this, murdering the children is the best way to hurt her husband. Also, Medea claims that she â€Å"was born unlucky and a woman†(Euripides, 61). By being a woman, she is considered property and therefore, the law is okay with Jason’s new marriage and her exile. With the threat of her impending exile, Medea formulates a vengeful plan against her masters. After Jason violates their marriage vows, Medea searches for the justice of love. This type of justice â€Å"was probably upheld both by religious feelings and byShow MoreRelatedThe Era of Greek Tragedy Essay2487 Words  | 10 Pagesthe god whose cult dominated the Greek Tragic Era (Sifakis, â€Å"Greek Tragedy†). Dionysus was not only the god of wine but of theatre, so indeed the Greeks sought to give him special honor. The honor didn’t last long through the era, however, and the plays quickly lost their Dionysiac qualities shortly after the movement’s birth (Sifakis, â€Å"Greek Tragedy†). Thespis was the first poet credited with writing a Greek tragedy, but the first performances of tragedies in the City Dionysia weren’t recorded untilRead MoreThe Best And Safest Thing1807 Words  | 8 PagesNgo English 102 Ron Peltier 3 December 2014 Medea’s Boundless Roles â€Å"The best and safest thing is to keep a balance in your life, acknowledge the great powers around us and in us. If you can do that, and live that way, you are really a wise man†- Euripides. In ancient Greece, the position of women and men were held in a patriarchal ideology limited by double standards. By definition, double standards mean: men are allowed to have profound behaviors and actions, while women who did the same actionsRead MoreGreek Tragedy And The Morality Of Greek Culture Essay2193 Words  | 9 Pageswas considered the climax of the days long cultural festival of The City Dionysia. At the festival, various types of plays were shown but one of the most popular was tragedy. These tragedies show the main character, usually a god or person of myth, going through human suffering and the terrible sequence of events that followed; and were produced in 472- 401 BCE. In order for a play to be performed at The City Dionysia festival; tragic playwrights would first have to appeal to the state official thatRead MoreQuestions On Ancient Greek Theatre1413 Words  | 6 Pages Aeschylus Rees, Sophocles, Euripides, this three tragedian, their highest achievements of each period not only represents a process of the ancient Greek tragedy art a rise to prosperity and decadence, but also reflects the development of slave egalitarian social life at different stages. At that time, tragedy and comedy are two different styles of play, and no one can combine both features at same time in the ancient Greek theatre. Medea is part of the three ancient Greek tragedy
Monday, December 16, 2019
The Minoan Civilization - 2030 Words
History Of Architecture Building: Palace Of Minos. Dates: 1700-1400 BC. Time period : Bronze Age. Location: Knossos,Crete. Civilization :The Minoans. In the heart of the Mediterranean Sea, South of Greece, lays the island of Crete refuge of the lost civilization of the minions.The island is first refereed as Kaptara at the Syrian city of Mani dating from 18 000 BC; Also known as Keftiu†from the fresco of the Tomb of Rekhmire in the valley of the kings in Egypt. The islands length is 260 km from East to West and its width is approximately 60 km from at the center where the island is the widest and as little as 12 km on its narrowest point; Crete is the biggest Greek islands and considered to be one of the biggest in the†¦show more content†¦They had water supply and designed a drainage system based on very ingenuous principles to fit their palace. It is not surprising that buildings as large and complicated as the 22.000 square meters palace at Knossos witch had over 1500 rooms led the skillful craftsman and artisan Daedalus to elaborate the myth of labyrinth. All the great palaces had one feature in common with the smaller ones, that they were perhaps the summer residences of the kings, the wonderful fresco painting decorating the walls with fresh, lively scenes in an array of colors, or the dazzling white and veined blocks of gypsum that were used to cover the walls and floors. The social system was probably feudal and theocratic, and the king of each palace center was also the supreme religious leader. There may have been a hierarchy of these priestkings, headed by the deity ruler of Knossos. Clement Pentier History Of Architecture The famous PAX MINOICA - prevailed throughout the island, which facilitated the great cultural development, the charming, refined way of life of the Minoans. A variety of pottery styles developed: the marine style, with its lively motifs derived from the world of the deep sea (octopuses, tritons, star fishes, sea-snails, rocks,Show MoreRelatedThe Minoans Civilization1325 Words  | 5 PagesThe Minoans were a civilization who flourished from 3000 BCE until 1100 BCE on the island of Crete, were greatly influenced by the Phoenicians, Egyptians, Syrians and the Anatolians (Britannica Encyclopedia). This civilization made major contributions to Western European development in the areas of language, architecture and art. It was the famous archaeologist Sir Arthur Evans who made the astounding discoveries at Knossos in the early 1900’s that introduced to the world the fascinating and wonderfulRead MoreThe Minoan Civilization : An Aegean Bronze Age Civiliza tion2164 Words  | 9 PagesThe Minoan civilization was an Aegean Bronze Age civilization that was rich with culture, art and architecture. They were so intellectually advanced for their time period, that they have made a significant contribution to the development of the Western European civilization. The Mycenaean civilization flourished in the late Bronze Age. Unlike the Minoans, the Mycenaeans were militaristic and more calculating people. They had very specific reasons behind their actions. Both civilizations had differencesRead MoreThe Minoan Civilization On The Mediterranean Island Of Crete Essay1141 Words  | 5 PagesThe Minoan Civilization began on the Mediterranean island of Crete. It was first excavated by Sir Arthur Evans. The possible civilization sparked his interest when a charm that the Minoans use to wear was found, and it was brought to his attention. He started at Knossos, where the possible civilization became a reality. He uncovered multiple palaces, whic h have all been named since then. They are named: Knossos, Phaistos, Malia, and Zakros. Each one shows signs of religion, trade, and politics. TheyRead MoreA Reflection On The Lost Palace Of Sparta1186 Words  | 5 PagesClassical Studies, I happened to found an interesting article on The Lost Palace of Sparta Possibly Uncovered in Live Science. My main reason for choosing this news story was because I have always been interested in Late Bronze Age Mycenaean Civilization, since Mycenaean culture appears to be connected with Homer s Iliad s Trojan War. Secondly, I took a course on Classical Archaeology as an undergraduate student in Classics. Therefore, I studied the nineteenth century archaeologist HeinrichRead MoreEssay on Ancient Crete1632 Words  | 7 Pagesalready adapted some stages of productivity such as possessing domestic animals (?Minoan,? Dilos).? Modern archeological findings date handmade ceramic pottery, which was frequently decorated with incised geometric motifs and made to imitate vessels made of straw, wood, or hide, to this early time period (Koutsoupakis).? Minoan Civilization ?Around 3000 BCE, Crete became the home of the early Minoan civilization, a Bronze Age culture, named after the legendary ruler Minos.? It is uncertain whetherRead MoreSimilarities And Differences Between Minos And Mycenaean On The Sea By Trade Essay920 Words  | 4 Pagesimpresses and honor to this masterpiece. The Minoan built an unusual and distinctive type of column. It referred to as an â€Å"inverted column because unlike the later Greek column, it tapers downward, the diameter being smaller at the bottom than at the top. And the columns were made of wood rather than stone and were painted bright red. Minoan civilization that developed on the island of Crete around 3000 B.C.E. â€Å"According to later Greek myth, the Minoan civilization was created by an off scoring god ZeusRead MoreMinoan Demise1145 Words  | 5 PagesThe Decline of the Minoan Civilization Makeeba Charstaon Strayer University Professor Anne Keyes Hum111 11/3/2015 The Decline of the Minoan Civilization Minoan Crete was a major civilization in its time, but several theories have been advanced to explain its demise, including speculations associating it with mythical Atlantis. What were the causes of the Minoan Civilization’s decline? State the mystery and provide a brief summary of 2 reasonable scholarly theories. Identify one of the theoriesRead MoreThe Aegean Bronze Age Essay1516 Words  | 7 PagesAmong these practices, the display of idols became substantial in epitomizing social realities. The Minoan civilization, being one of the most momentous urbanization formed during this period, established the use of icons to exemplify their cultural and societal views. Emblems in the form of deities, monstrous creatures, hybrids and composites were prominent, alluding to the ways in which the Minoan populace endured the changing scope of their society. Yet despite these emblems’ production, the notionRead MoreThe Snake Goddess1440 Words  | 6 Pagesfemale deity†™s and faà ¯ence figurines in Minoan culture (Patron). The actual representation of the Snake Goddess is unknown; however, a majority of perceptions would all agree that the Snake Goddess is an important female deity in Minoan civilization. By analyzing the importance of symbolism, the role of women in Minoan civilization and The Snake Goddesses role in Minoan culture, it will become evident that The Snake Goddess plays a significant role in Minoan art, religion and society (Witcombe). DiscoveredRead MoreThe Minoans and Mycenaeans Essay842 Words  | 4 PagesThe Minoans and Mycenaeans were both from the Greek era. They differentiated quite a bit between each other. While the Minoans were peaceful people, the Mycenaeans were brutal and warlike. These two civilizations help the people of today learn about ancient culture. Although the two places were varied much from one another, the cultures wrote the most understandable historical evidence about themselves. This paper will tell how these close regions compared and contrasted. The Mycenaeans existed
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Change Drivers For the Higher Colleges of Technology
Question: Discuss about the Change Drivers For the Higher Colleges of Technology. Answer: Introduction: Managing organisational change has become a crucial agenda to attain greater sustainability in the global market. A few critical success factors are identified as the major elements to attain organisational success. The current study attempts to identify the change drivers for the Higher Colleges of Technology considering its key success factors, opportunities and challenges, to enhance the skill set of the current researcher to meet higher career objectives and organisational goals. Body: The innovative learning process, equipped laboratories and fragmented infrastructure are the key success factors in the Higher Colleges of Technology. Below-mentioned elements have been identified as the key success factor of the firm: The existence of the world-class ICT platform to meet the operational and educational needs with innovation and the agility (Whelan-Berry and Somerville, 2010). The change initiatives on the world-class competitiveness Offering a modern learning environment for the students Implementation of the BYOD strategy has been made central to the objective of the Higher College of Technology (HCT). The change factors like the emergence of new competitors, generation of new laws and the development of new technology can potentially change drivers (Konno et al. 2014). Gilbert et al. (2012) stated that the sustainability crises and greater competition among the market players are the prime reasons that might impact on the nature of the success mentioned above factors. The change drivers could enhance the current operational process and the infrastructural development of the Higher College of Technology. The introduction of replacement systems could bring higher innovativeness, thereby attracting more students towards the brand and increasing business profitability The replacement of some existing employees could generate de-motivation within the current faculty group, thereby reducing the quality of the educational services. It could be a potential threat for the Higher Colleges of Technology. The market competitiveness in the education sector is increasing (Buchanan, 2011). Thus, as a change planner, the integration of the organisational philosophies into the logical and rational change management process will be assigned to me within the next two years. Enhancing the foresight to identify the climate for change Scenario planning and more professional development Improving the critical thinking process to design and implement the change response with the organisational business portfolio. Managing a flexible work environment Empowering the staffs to share the personal view Improving the goal setting capacity and right delegation of the authority. Improving the listening Logical decision making Enhancing the leadership attributes Focusing on the organisational development along with the change management process Time management ability to attain the set goals of the firm Improving the focus of the business development factors. Enhancing the capacity to remove an employee and student resistance in the change process. Considering the role and responsibilities, I would like to improve the project management parameters along with the administrative skills to make the future change driver sufficient enough for the Higher College of Technology. Conclusion: It has been concluded that self empowerment, leadership flexibility, time management, scenario planning need to be improved by the current researcher as a part of the professional development plan. This could help to enhance the professional growth of the researcher. Thus, the organisational goal can also be managed. References: Buchanan, D.A. (2011) Good practice, not rocket science understanding failures to change after extreme events, Journal of Change Management, 11 (3), pp.273-288 Gilbert, C., Eyring, M. and Foster, R.N. (2012) Two routes to resilience, Harvard Business Review, 90 (20), pp.66-73 Konno, N., Nonaka, I. and Ogilvy, J. (2014) Scenario planning: the basics, World Futures, 70 (1), pp.28-43 Whelan-Berry, K.S. and Somerville, K.A. (2010) Linking change drivers and the organizational change process a review and synthesis, Journal of Change Management, 10 (2), pp.175-193
Sunday, December 1, 2019
My Last Duchess By Browning Essays - My Last Duchess,
My Last Duchess By Browning One of the greatest Victorian poets and masters of the dramatic monologue, Robert Browning was born in London on the seventh of May in 1812. His father was a clerk at the Bank of England and mostly educated Browning at home. He attended London University in 1828, but withdrew after his second term. After his first publication in 1833, Pauline: A Fragment of a Confession, he received little attention and only random criticism of his later works. It was not until 1869 when The Ring and the Book was published that he received recognition and began to build his reputation. Prior to his success, he married Elizabeth Browning against her father's wishes and stayed deeply devoted to her until her death in 1861. While married to Elizabeth, he lived in Florence, Italy, where he did some of his finest work. Nearly all of his companions and acquaintances considered him a sociable person and a gracious host, as he was well known for his dinner parties. Browning continued to publish volumes of poetry until his death on December the twelfth of 1889. Robert Browning is remembered for his mastery at capturing the essence and power of the dramatic monologue. Through symbolism, structure and technique, Browning creates the model of the ideal dramatic monologue in the poem, "My Last Duchess." "My Last Duchess" was published in 1845. "Ferrara" is the subtitle of the poem and assists in disclosing the design of the poem, a portrayal of Alfonso II, the fifth Duke of Ferrara. The historical life of Alfonso II fits intricately with the events and happenings within the poem. Alfonso II married Lucrezia de' Medici who is the daughter of the Duke of Florence. The Duke's family has a long credited name and wealth that had been around for ages. The affluence and power of the duchess's family had been newly acquired, and when comparing the two families, the Duke's was much more significant, at least in his eyes. The Duchess of Alfonso II died of poisoning in 1561. Three short years later the Duke arranged to marry Barbara, a niece of the Count of Tyrol. The speaker of the dramatic monologue is an egotistical and pompous Duke. He speaks to an envoy of the Count throughout the monologue. At the beginning of the poem, he slowly draws back the curtain and reveals a portrait. This portrait, he asserts, is his "last Duchess...looking as if she were alive" (lines1-2). The Duke continues by addressing the look upon her face and the many reasons for her blushing cheeks. Continuing the description, he depicts the duchess's ways, including her virtues of innocence and unspoiled beauty. Examples are given by the Duke of how easily she is impressed by nature and the simple pleasures of life. He claims he is disgusted by her ability to see natural beauty as an equal delectation with his name and matrimony. Then very subtly he tells the envoy how he gave orders to have "all smiles stopped together" (line 46). The envoy is completely aware of the truth about the ordered killings and the Duke's greedy reasoning for marrying the niece of the Count. The contemptuous way of the Duke is made perfectly clear to the envoy, and the envoy begins to leave. The delegate is completely aware of the truth about the ordered killings and the Duke's greedy reasoning for marrying the niece of the Count. The Duke elaborates his reasoning for marrying the duchess, by declaring it is only for the dowry. The last few lines of the poem reveal the full essence of the Duke and how he sees himself as powerful and godlike. "My Last Duchess" contains multiple symbols throughout the poem. A few of the symbols in the poem are said by the Duke pertaining to the duchess. The Duke gives examples of things she was enamored by such as the "the dropping of the daylight in the West" (line 26), the "bough of cherries" (line 27) and the white mule. She enjoys and treasures the sunset for its beauty; this the Duke finds trivial. The cherry branch given to her by a servant is white and pink which could be representative of her youth and innocence. The white mule she would ride is something that gives her pleasure, she finds it exotic and interesting. All of these gifts of nature he finds to be elementary and insignificant, but to her they are beautiful and extraordinary. The symbols told by the Duke also echo her natural splendor
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Biography of Larry Swartz, Convicted Murderer
Biography of Larry Swartz, Convicted Murderer Larry Swartz struggled his whole life, first as a foster care child, then as one of two boys adopted by Robert and Kathryn Swartz. In the beginning, Larry was his parents favorite. In time that changed, and he became their next victim. Robert and Kathryn Swartz Robert Bob Swartz and Kathryn Anne Kay Sullivan met while both were students at the University of Maryland. Soon, they discovered they had a lot in common, most notably childhoods marked by structure and stern discipline. As devout Catholics, neither had been active in the dating scene in either high school or college. After getting married, the couple settled in Cape St. Claire, Maryland. Kay got a job teaching high school and Bob started working with computers. Kay was unable to have children so they decided to adopt. The thought of opening their home to unwanted children fit right in with their active participation with pro-life groups. Lawrence Joseph Swartz Lawrence Larry Swartz was six years old and the first child to join the Swartz family. His birth mother had been a waitress in New Orleans and his father was alleged to have been an East Indian pimp. Larry had spent his life in foster homes. Michael David Swartz Eight-year-old Michael was the second child that joined the family. Prior to that, he had moved from one foster home to another and had developed into a rebellious child. He spent two years on a probationary period in the Swartzes home before being legally adopted. Favoritism Larry and Michael were only six months apart in age, with Michael being the oldest. A bond between the two brothers developed quickly, and they became best friends. Bob and Kay wanted both boys to receive a good education, but their ambitions became a source of family tension. Michael was a smart child and a quick learner. He excelled in his first few years in school, so the Swartzes decided he was under-challenged and insisted he jump from the second to the fourth grade. The change did not work out. Although intelligent, Michael was emotionally immature. His grades dropped and his disciplinary problems increased. He was impulsive and disobedient, often had fits of anger, and did not seem to understand right from wrong. Larry on the other hand was a poor student. His parents became concerned about his academic struggles and had him tested. It was determined that he was learning disabled. He was placed in special education classes, which had a positive effect on his performance. Larry was also a quiet, mild-mannered child who followed the rules at school and at home. He rarely caused any disciplinary problems and had a close relationship with his mother. He was clearly the favorite son. Abuse The mood within the household turned volatile as the boys hit adolescence. Bob and Kay were strict disciplinarians with rigid house rules. They also lacked good parenting skills and were becoming overwhelmed with the challenges inherent in raising two teenagers. Bob and Kay subjected both boys to constant criticism and harsh scoldings, and they often punished their children for even the most minor infringements of the rules. When it came time to deal with more serious problems, like Michael being disruptive at school, the at-home punishments became more severe. During family fights, Larry would try to calm his parents. Michael would do just the opposite. He often talked back and agitated the fighting. Bob had a ferocious temper and zero tolerance for Michaels rebellious behavior. It did not take long for the verbal lashings to turn into physical abuse. Larry managed to escape the beatings, but not the verbal and psychological abuse. The Swartzes were determined not to let Larry end up like Michael, and they kept a close watch on his activities. Being around the constant fighting and the physical abuse took a toll on Larry, and he obsessed about ways to keep his parents happy. Annie Swartz When the boys were around 13, the Swartzes adopted their third child, four-year-old Annie. She was born in South Korea and had been abandoned by her parents. Annie was cute and sweet, and the entire family adored her. She also became the new favorite child of Bob and Kay, which bumped Larry down to second place. Hit the Road One night Michael asked his parents if he could visit some friends. The answer was no, so Michael snuck out of the house. When he returned home around 10 p.m., he discovered that he was locked out. After knocking failed to get his parents to let him inside, he began to yell. Finally, Kay opened the window and informed Michael that he was no longer welcome at home. The next day Kay reported Michael as a runaway to his social worker. He was given the choice to move into a foster home or go to juvenile court, which would have likely meant going to a juvenile detention home. Michael elected to move into a foster home. As far as the Swartzes were concerned, Michael was no longer their son. Next in Line Michael and Larry remained in touch with one another and talked for hours together on the telephone. They shared their frustration and anger over how their parents were treating them. Larry could not believe that his parents had disowned Michael. It not only angered him that a parent could just throw out their child, but it also caused him to feel severely insecure. He was scared that one day he would also be cast out of his home. Now that Michael was gone, his parents were always on his back about something. Larry couldnt understand why his parents didnt seem to like him. He was popular at school and had a reputation among his peers and his teachers as a nice looking, easygoing, and polite young man. However, his mild manner and friendly nature made little impression on his parents. Just as they had with Michael, Bob and Kay soon began to find fault with everything Larry did and the friends he chose to hang out with. His relationship with his mother, which had always been good, began to disintegrate. The more she screamed at him, the harder he would try to figure a way back into her good graces. But nothing seemed to work. Backfire In a desperate attempt to regain his favorite child status, Larry told his parents that he wanted to be a priest. It worked. The Swartzes were thrilled, and Larry was sent to a seminary to begin his first year of high school. Unfortunately, that plan backfired. After failing to make the necessary grade point average after two semesters, Larry was encouraged by the school not to return. The clashes with his parents intensified after he returned home. Drivers Education Most teens start annoying their parents about allowing them to get their drivers license as soon as they reach the legal age to drive. Larry was no exception. For the Swartzes, however, this hinged entirely on Larrys grades. They agreed to allow him to take drivers education if he make all Cs or better on his report card. By the following semester, Larry managed to get all but one C. Bob stood his ground and refused to give in because of the single D. Larry kept at it. The following semester he received two Ds and the rest were Cs. Again, that was not good enough for Bob and Kay. Destructive Criticism Arguments between Larry and his parents became a regular occurrence. They fought with him in particular over his extracurricular activities. They didnt care that their son excelled at sports and was co-captain of the junior varsity soccer team- in fact, they were adamant that sports was a distraction from his studies. He was often grounded and was only permitted to go to school and church and to attend his wrestling matches and soccer events. Socializing with friends was restricted. When Larry did manage to go on a date, his parents unfailingly criticized the girl he went out with. Larrys performance in school deteriorated as a result. At 17, his C average was now a D average. His hopes for a drivers license were completely dashed. In order to numb his pain, Larry began to hide liquor in his bedroom and often got drunk after fleeing to his room after a fight with his parents. As for Michael, he had been court-ordered to go to a psychiatric facility for testing after he continued to get into trouble at the foster home. The Swartzes never wavered in their decision to cut all ties with him, and Michael became a ward of the state. Snap, Crackle, and Pop The night of January 16, 1984, was a typical night in the Swartz home. Larry had been dating a girl that Kay disapproved of and she told him she didnt want him to see her again. Shortly after that argument ended, Bob blasted Larry for messing with his computer, which had erased some work. The fight escalated to ferocious levels. Larry went up to his bedroom and began to drink from the bottle of rum he had hidden there. If he was hoping to squelch his anger, it did not work. Instead, the alcohol seemed to fuel the resentment and rage he felt towards his parents. A Call to 9-1-1 The following morning, at around 7 a.m., Larry placed a call to 9-1-1. The Cape St. Claire emergency workers arrived to find Larry and Annie holding hands at the door. Larry calmly let the paramedics into the house. First, they found Bobs body lying inside a small basement office. He was covered in blood and had several gash marks on his chest and arms. Next, they found Kays body in the backyard, lying in the snow. She was nude except for a sock on one foot. It appeared that she had been partially scalped, and her neck had been deeply lacerated in several spots. Against police protocol, one of the paramedics covered Kays body with a blanket. Larry told the paramedics that Annie woke him up because she could not find their parents. He said that he looked out the kitchen window, saw Kay laying in the yard, and immediately called for help. The Crime Scene When the detectives from Arundel County Sheriffs Department arrived, they immediately secured the crime scene. A search of the home produced several clues. First, nothing of any value seemed to have been stolen. A blood trail led outside, indicating that Kays body had been dragged to where it was found. In addition, a bloody palm print was found on the glass of the patio door. They also uncovered a bloody maul out in a wet, wooded area behind the house. A neighbor alerted the detectives to blood that he saw in the front of his home. Investigators followed that trail, along with a series of footprints, from the neighbors house through the neighborhood and into the woods. The footprints included human shoe prints, paw prints from what was likely a dog, one bare footprint, and one that may have been made by someone wearing a sock. It appeared that Kay Swartz survived her initial attack and managed to escape the house, but was then chased through the neighborhood by her assailant until she was caught and murdered. The Interviews The detectives turned their attention to Larry and Annie. Larry told them the same story he told the paramedics about looking out the window and seeing his mother lying in the snow, except this time he said he looked out of the dining room window, not the kitchen window. He was also quick to implicate his brother Michael as a possible suspect. He told the detectives that Michael hated his parents for disowning him and sending him back to foster care. Larry pointed out that the family dogs knew Michael and probably would not bark at him if he entered the house. He told them that Kay confided to him that she feared Michael, and that Michael had once joked about stabbing their father in the back. Annie told detectives that she heard a voice around 11:30 p.m. that sounded like her father calling for help. She then described a man that she saw in the backyard. His back was to her, but she could see that he was tall, with dark curly hair, and that he was wearing jeans and a gray sweatshirt. She went on to describe a bloody shovel that he was carrying over his shoulder. For as young as she was, she remembered a lot of details. When asked if the man was as tall as Michael was, Annie answered yes. Michael was over six feet tall and towered over Larry. Michaels Alibi But Michael had an alibi. According to him and the staff at the Crownsville Hospital Center, Michael had been locked inside the dormitory during the night. One of the staff members confirmed that hed seen Michael around 11:15 p.m. Based on the time that Annie said that she saw the man in the yard, that would have given Michael only 15 minutes to get to the house and kill his parents. The detectives knew that there was no way that Michael was the killer. He could never have made it to the Swartz home that quickly. Cool, Calm, and Overly Helpful Everyone who came to the Swartz home that morning- the paramedics, police, and the detectives- remarked on Larrys emotional state. For a kid who had just found his parents murdered, he was amazingly cool and calm, to the point of appearing disconnected to the horror that had gone on inside his house. The detectives were also suspicious of his attempt to make Michael look like a suspect. There was also the batch of papers concerning Michaels legal problems, which had conveniently been left in open view in the living room. The Arrest The detectives knew that if they found out who left the bloody palm print on the glass door, they would probably find the killer. It did not take long for the FBI to make a match. The palm print matched Larrys palm print, a fact that did not surprise any of the detectives. Larry was arrested and charged with two counts of first-degree murder. His bail was set at $200,000. Annie went to live with family friends in Annapolis. A Confidential Confession Three days after his parents funeral, Larry confessed to his lawyers that he was the killer. He outlined the events prior to the attack, describing the arguments hed had with his parents. He said he went to his bedroom, started drinking, and then went downstairs, passing his mother, who was watching television. She asked him about some tests he had taken at school that day, and Larry told her he thought he had flunked one but done okay on the others. According to Larry, Kays response was sarcastic and belittling. In response, Larry picked up a nearby wood-splitting maul and smash it over her head. He then stabbed her multiple times in the neck with a kitchen knife. Bob came in to see what was going on and Larry plunged the knife into his chest. He continued stabbing Bob around his chest and heart multiple times. Once Bob and Kay were dead, Larry busied himself trying to make it look like a crime that was committed by someone who had broken into the house. Someone like Michael. Final Act of Revenge- Humiliation Larry explained how he dragged his mother out through the patio door and across the snow in the backyard and laid her out near the swimming pool. He removed her clothes and then in a final act to humiliate her, he moved her body into an obscene position and then assaulted her with his finger. He then got rid of the murder weapons and his bloody clothing by throwing them into the wet, wooded area behind his house. When he returned inside he went to Annies room. She had woken up during the commotion, but Larry assured her it was a nightmare and told her to go back to sleep. Larry did not mention anything to his lawyer about chasing Kay through the neighborhood. When asked about it, Larry said he had no recollection of that happening. The Trial Larry sat in jail for 15 months before going to trial. On the day before it was to begin, his lawyers and the prosecutor reached a plea bargain. Judge Bruce Williams questioned Larry on the witness stand, verifying that he understood that he was going to plead guilty to the two counts of murder. He then announced his sentence. Judge Williams referred to the murders as one of the most tragic events in the history of the county. He showed compassion when speaking of the trouble that went on in the Swartz home. He said although Larry appeared normal, his court-ordered psychological testing showed that the teen was in great need of treatment. He sentenced Larry to two concurrent 20-year sentences and suspended 12 years from each. Freedom Larry was released from prison in 1993, after serving nine years of his sentence. Inexplicably, a family who had read about his case adopted him as their son. He lived with his new family for several years before leaving. He moved to Florida, married, and had a child. In December 2004, at the age of 38, Larry had a heart attack and died. The case was the inspiration for the best-selling book by Leslie Walker, Sudden Fury: A True Story of Adoption and Murder. In addition to the book, a movie based on the murders was made in 1993 called A Family Torn Apart, which starred Neil Patrick Harris of Doogie Howser, M.D. as Larry Swartz. Michaels Unhappy Ending Michael continued to get in trouble, and as he got older his criminal behavior became more severe. At the age of 25, he was given a life sentence without the possibility of parole, for participating in robbing and murdering a man. His bounty? A jar of coins. Teens Killing Parents A number of articles about children who kill their parents have been published over the years, many of them in Psychology Today. Most experts agree that its the fastest-growing form of family homicide, committed primarily by males between 16 and 19 years of age. The reasons are unknown, although some doctors posit the high divorce rate may play a role. It is an area of crime that continues to be studied in great depth.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Stalking Laws by State
Stalking Laws by State While most people probably have an image of stalking in their head that includes following a person around and sneaking peeks in windows the actual law and crime is much more complicated. The State of New York defines stalking as A persistent and unwanted pursuit of an individual by another that would cause a reasonable person to fear. It is an intentional and unpredictable course of conduct that can be annoying, intrusive, intimidating, threatening and harmful. But every state has its own definition of the crime of stalking with different issues that should be considered when trying to understand the laws. One of the common threads of what defines an action as stalking is if unwanted contact is made with an individual. In general, if someone has asked a person leave them alone and they attempt to continue any kind of relationship stalking has occurred. Stalking Is a Serious Crime While some forms of stalking such as excessive phone calls or showing up at the victims place of business may not seem like that big of a deal these kinds of actions should be taken very seriously. Victims of domestic abuse have a high likelihood of being stalked by their former partner. However, perpetrators of stalking dont always have past relationships with their victims as is often the case with celebrities. Victims of stalking experience a great deal of fear and some have even been attacked or murdered by their stalker. There have been many cases where cases of stalking turned violent. Some victims have even been attacked or murdered by their stalker. This is especially true in cases where the perpetrator is a former partner. If a friend or loved one tells you theyre being stalked you should contact the authorities. Definitions of Stalking and Related Offenses in All 50 States and the District of Columbia AlabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareDistrict of ColumbiaFloridaGeorgiaHawaiiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaOhioOklahomaOregonPennsylvaniaRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahVermontVirginiaWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyoming What to Do if Youre Being Stalked If you have reason to believe youre being stalked there are certain steps you should take no matter what state you’re in. If you suspect you are in physical danger always contact the police immediately. Keep records of any contact your stalker makes, this included digital communication such as text messages, emails, and instant messages. If your stalker sends physical mail​, keep that as well. Make sure your home is secure against break-ins. A home alarm system which can automatically alert police in case of a break-in may be a good investment. The police are ready and willing to help if you are concerned you’re being stalked.  Source: National Center for Victims of Crime
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Digital economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Digital economy - Essay Example With the recent technological boom, electronic businesses and markets have no doubt, flourished. The example of digital entertainment like MP3’s, e-books, availability of various soft wares for download and videos for streaming are only some examples of the phenomenal growth of the digital market. When markets come into play, whether they are digital or physical, price automatically becomes a crucial feature. It is important for consumers because they expect to buy at the least price, it is important for producers because they expect to sell at the highest price while maximizing profits and it is very important for the market as a whole in order to keep resource allocation efficient. One area of interest which scholars have long debated over, in relation to the digital economy, has been with respect to prices. A large amount of literature has been written in evidence of showing the presence/absence of price dispersions in online pricing, the reasons why such a phenomenon occurs and how significant it is in relation to modern retail outlets; traditional, pure-Internet based and multi-channel retail outlets (land based retail presence as well as an internet presence of the retailer). At this point it is important to define the phenomenon of Price dispersion. Pan, Ratchford and Shankar (2004, p.443) define price dispersion as â€Å"the distribution of prices (such as range and standard deviation) of an item with the same measured characteristics across sellers of the item at a given point in time†. In simpler words, it may be defined as the difference of prices among sellers of the same items. This concept has major implications for the retailing outlets as it acts as a cue for assessing their own pricing strategies and is reflective of what strategies their competitors have adopted. Be it the traditional, pure Internet or multi-channel retailer, the degree of price variances among the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
You can decide Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
You can decide - Essay Example Smith Woodward is the Keeper of Geology. He has joined Dawson in carrying out excavations at the Piltdown site at the end of May and during June 1912. Dawson and Woodward found remains of a fossil man dating from early Ice Age with ape-like jawbone with two teeth, more bits of skull, and several fossil animal teeth, bones, and flint tools. Disbelief was the first reaction of the scientific community, especially among Professor David Waterston of King’s College London, Dr. Gerrit Miller in America, and Professor Boule in France. According to them, anatomically speaking, the jaw could not have worked as a part of human skull when it is constructed in a different way. They also questioned the extraordinary wear of the teeth and the coincidence of finding all the fragments or specimen together. Weiner learned that the Piltdown man’s fragments were faked – the teeth had been chiseled down to resemble a human-like chewing pattern and stained with ordinary house paint to look like patina of age and ancient elephant and hippopotamus teeth were planted to the site. The same goes through for the Paleolithic tools, skull, and jaw fragments. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is the man behind Sherlock Holmes. His possible involvement pointed out to the reasons that he lived near the Piltdown discovery site and had plenty of access to the fossils. In addition, majority of his works of fiction include familiarity with archeology and paleontology. His motive includes obsession to spiritualism and resentment towards scientists who mocked spiritualism. Aside from being the first person to discover the Piltdown man, Dawson’s involvement to the hoax was closely rooted to his personality. Dawson was ambitious and desperate to have a place in the scientific elite in the Royal Society. He has records of frauds in the field of archeology and his writings showed plagiarized content. Woodward has been considered a
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Early Childhood Education Programs Essay Example for Free
Early Childhood Education Programs Essay Early childhood education or preschool education is education for children in the early stages of their childhood before they join school. Several researches that have been conducted by neuroscientists, pediatricians and other stakeholders shows that the biggest portion of the brain architecture takes place in the early childhood years. Research studies have also found out that intellectual and emotional development is critical during the first three years of life. Maria Montessori was one of many educationists who believe that the foundation of human development is laid during the childs early years. She declared that: The most important period of life is not the age of university studies, but the first one, the period from birth to the age of six, (Pandor, 2008 para. 3). Many other educationists assert that the quality of education is determined in the first years of a child in school. Early Childhood Education Programs Preschool education or early childhood education is a quality education and it is beneficial to children from all economic and social groups. Development of quality early childhood programs should be emphasized as it can be viewed as a social and economic strategy. Investing in these programs is therefore not only important to the child but also to the development of the state and the country at large. A research conducted by the National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER) in five states of the United States found out that â€Å"quality public preschool programs produce broad gains in childrens learning and development,†(NIEER, 2005 para. 4). According to the same study, state funded programs were found to have significant gains regardless of the child’s ethnic or economic and social background. The effects of the preschool programs were estimated by testing the literacy skills, vocabulary and academic skills of the kindergarteners. A total of 5,071 children in 1, 320 classrooms were tested in either English or Spanish depending on the child’s strongest language. The impacts on mathematics, literacy and language were statistically significant compared to the children without the program. Vocabulary scores were 31 percent higher than gains of children without the program. On mathematical skills which included basic skills such as counting money, simple additions and subtractions, number concepts and telling time, the gains increased to 44 percent. In print awareness the gains were 85 percent greater for children enrolled in state sponsored preschool programs compared to the growth of children who are not enrolled (NIEER, 2005). According to the NIEER study, participants at the age of 20 years were more likely to have cleared high school if they enrolled for the preschool programs. They were less likely to have required remedial education and also less likely to have committed juvenile crimes which warrant arrests. With the unnecessary costs of remedial classes and expenditure for justice systems and in addition to the increased revenues, it was estimated that there was a return of $7 for every dollar that was invested. At 27 years of age, participants had gained a higher level of education and their earnings were higher than those who did not enroll for the early childhood school programs. The number of those who received the social services was significantly low and the numbers of arrests were fewer. These studies were carried out on children from lower socioeconomic backgrounds. The befits gained can be intertwined in the sense that once this child gains a higher level of education most likely the earnings will be high, consequently economic prospects will be high, improvement on financial decisions, improved health and housing (NIEER, 2008). An opportunity to live in a classroom community, interact and get along with people from various socioeconomic backgrounds can be considered as a social benefit for children from low socioeconomic backgrounds. Learning how to get along with others will result to improved social skills and emotional competence. These programs set a stage and give a child preparedness to enroll for the formal education. Apart from improving on their communication skills and getting higher scores in school tests, they have lesser behavioral issues once they enroll in the formal learning process. When a child goes through the pre kindergarten learning they succeed in school and become good citizens, earn more, commit less crimes and pay more taxes. â€Å"Every dollar invested in quality early care and education saves taxpayers up to $13. 00 in future costs,†(http://web. mit. edu/workplacecenter/docs/Full%20Report. pdf. n. d pp. 2). The success of the early child leaning relies heavily on the quality of the preschool programs. In an effort to improve the schools and the learning process, most states in United States have established public preschool programs to cater for less privileged and disadvantaged. Most of these programs are established on the principle that early intervention will help the child unleash his full potential. For example the mission for Head Start is â€Å"to ensure that no child in America is trapped in poverty’s grasp,†(United Way of America, 2005 pp. 1). These programs have been criticized and their effectiveness has been questionable. From the findings of NIEER (2005) studies, â€Å"vocabulary gains were three or four times greater than those in the Head Start study,†(para. 9). In spite of this big difference in performance, such aspects such as the class size and the length of day remained the same. This difference was attributed to high educational qualifications and good remuneration for teachers in state funded pre-kindergarten programs compared to Head Start. Almost all state funded programs studied in the five states required teachers to be licensed, have a certification in early childhood education and be a holder of a BA degree. In the case of Head Start the requirements half of the teachers were required to have a two-year Associate’s degree while the rest to have a Child Development Associate (requires only 120 hours of training to acquire CDA credential) or an equivalent (LIFESTYLENIEER, n. d). Abbot, another preschool program in New Jersey was established to serve the highest poverty districts within the state. Substantial resources have been invested in the school and NIEER annual report rated it as one those with highest quality standards nationwide. According to the Abbot preschool program longitudinal effects study by Frede et al (2007), â€Å"the results presented provides clear evidence that by participating in a high-quality program regardless of auspice, children are improving in literacy and math at least until the end of the kindergarten year,†(pp. 35). It therefore remains clear that high standard and accountability are key factors to the success of these programs. Recruitments of qualified and well educated teachers as has been observed in performing preschool programs are instrumental in guaranteeing good quality. These teachers must be adequately compensated to boost their morale and hence increasing productivity. The classes should be manageable. This can only be achieved by having a reasonable child to teacher ratio. Finally there should be strong supervision to ensure that standard and quality of learning is uncompromised. Conclusion All children are entitled to quality education. From the studies conducted a disadvantaged child is likely to gain more from preschool program. If these programs are expanded more disadvantaged children will enroll and they will develop positive peer effects when they enroll for the formal school learning. â€Å"Failing to invest sufficiently in quality early care and education shortchanges taxpayers because the return on investment is greater than many other economic development options,†(http://web. mit. edu/workplacecenter/docs/Full%20Report. pdf. n. d pp. 2). There should be universal large-scale and state wide programs to benefit the minority and the poor. Reference: Early Childhood Education for All, a Wise Investment, retrieved on 20th July 2008 from http://web. mit. edu/workplacecenter/docs/Full%20Report. pdf. Frede E, Jung K, Barnett W. S, Lamy, C. E Figueras, A. (2007): The Abbott Preschool Program Longitudinal Effects Study (Apples). Retrieved on 20th July 2008 from: http://nieer. org/resources/research/APPLES. pdf LIFESTYLENIEER (n. d): Economic Benefits Of Quality Preschool Education for Americas 3- And 4-Year Olds. Retrieved on 20th July 2008 from: http://nieer. org/resources/facts/index. php? FastFactID=6 Martina, A (2008): Column: Early Connections Are Key For Infants To Thrive. Retrieved on 20th July 2008 From: http://detnews. com/apps/pbcs. dll/article? AID=/20080715/OPINION03/807150398/100 National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER) (2005):New Study Shows High Quality State Pre-K Programs Improve Language and Math Abilities of Children of All Backgrounds: State Programs with Higher Teacher Qualifications Outperform Head Start , retrieved on 20th July 2008 from http://nieer. org/mediacenter/index. php? PressID=46 Pandor N (2008): A call to focus on firm foundations for learning, Journal of Education, Vol. 8. Issue No. 11, pp 21-27, Retrieved on 20th July 2008 from http://www. anc. org. za/ancdocs/anctoday/2008/text/at11. txt United Way of America (2005): Early Childhood Education, retrieved on 20th July 2008 from http://www. liveunited. org/_cs
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Free Measure for Measure Essays: Analysis of Acts V-VI :: Measure for Measure
Analysis of Acts V-VI of Measure for Measure One of the things that struck me as odd in Act V, Scene I is how Mariana seems to recognize the disguised Duke. I don't know if this means that the Duke has disguised himself as a friar in the past. Another thing that struck me odd in this scene is how soon Mariana agrees to the Duke's plan. Here is a stranger (Isabella) convincing a young woman (Mariana) to have sex under very mysterious circumstances with a man who has rejected her. The plan is very strange but Mariana agrees so quickly that its hard to see how it was possible for Isabella to give Mariana the full explanations of the reasons behind the ruse. The Duke tries to justify the whole scheme once again by saying that Angelo is Mariana's husband on a "pre-contract." In Act IV, Scene II I found it ironic that if Pompey becomes an executioner and stops being a bawd and prisoner he will better himself and become honorable. I also found it ironic that the Duke, Isabella, and Mariana are conspiring and deceiving Angelo but Angelo, in turn, deceives the three by stepping up the date of Claudio's execution. It is like practically everyone in the play is backstabbing someone else. It also seems like the Duke is concocting all these schemes to do "the right thing." First he has a plan to place Mariana in substitution of Isabella to sleep with Angelo and now he plans to have someone else beheaded to trick Angelo into thinking it's Claudio's head. It seems to me that the Duke is acting as immoral as the rest of the city and Angelo. He seems to go by the belief that the ends justify the means. Is he really better than Angelo? Upon first reading in Act IV, Scene III how the Duke lies to Isabella when he tells her that Claudio has been executed, I could not help but think how cruel the Duke is and how he may be taking his role of friar too far. I also thought that he would rather make others suffer unnecessarily just so he can be sure that his plan to "get" Angelo is successful. Act IV, Scene IV just reiterates the fact of how selfish Angelo is. While he does express regret for having executed Claudio he still justifies his decision by saying that had Claudio lived he may have sought revenge against Angelo.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Our Teacher, Our Hero Essay
â€Å"You’ve better changed being naughty & playful†¦or else you’ll hurt not just me Carl!†¦ â€Å"Now, start cleaning our room†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"You do you work properly then you may go now, okay? That’s a very normal incident in a Freshmen’s atmosphere. We can’t deny the reality that 1st year level is under adjustment period to the new world they have just taken in†¦Thank you so much for all the very patient & kind teachers†¦They perform their being 2nd parent to us†¦I love my Teachers as they love us,They take their livesto their duties & roles†¦ They are very noble†¦ One of our favourite Teacher that inspires us is Miss Kendall†¦Her life story is so sad. Her father left her when her mother got sick. She is still single at the age of 32. She must work hard for her sick mother. She also helped her brothers & sister in their schooling. She told us that she has many dreams for her family & for her career as a teacher that’s why she is not yet ready to get married to her boyfriend. She told us that she’s not yet ready to balance teaching & having family of her own. â€Å"Uuuuuyyy, uuuuyyyyyy†¦Ma’am ha†¦We saw your bf this morning Ma’am Kendall†¦Uuuyyyy†¦You’re a good match Ma’am†¦Your pretty &hi’s handsome†¦he-he-he†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Sssshhh, sssshhh†¦stop teasing me girls†¦We’re still under knowing each other†¦he-he-he†â€Å"But Ma’am really you’re a good match†¦please don’t forget to invite us Ma’am on your wedding, okay?†¦He-he-he! Pretty sure, we will all be there Ma’am†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Sssshhhaaa, sssshhhaaa†¦That’s enough now. Let’s have your practice for your LitMus Pieces now†¦Please call the other candicates Chris†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Okay Ma’am, I’ll call them outside†¦Ã¢â‚¬ †¦Susan, Alfred†¦pls. get inside now†¦we’re getting ready for our practice now†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Now, let’s start with Alfred for his vocal so lo†¦Ready now Alfred†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Alfred singing his contest song†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..) (Ma’am Kendall applause Alfred for his performance†¦) â€Å"Alfred you’re getting better now†¦but you still need to practice more, Okay†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Thank you so much Ma’am for your great support†¦I promise to do it better†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"It’s my great pleasure supporting you in times like this†¦be the best you can,okay?†¦Next, let’s have Susan for her Filipino Declamation†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Basilio? Crispin? Mgaanakko? Nasaanna kayo?†¦Nandito n siNanay†¦.Mgaanakko? Nasaan kayo?†¦Basilio? Crispin?†¦Basiliooooooooooo†¦Crispiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnn†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Bravo, bravo, Susan†¦You’re getting better everyday†¦It’s another great performance†¦I know, you can be everybody’s beat†¦ha-ha-ha!†â€Å"Thank you so much Ma’am†¦I’m getting better every day because of your great help Ma’am Kendall†¦I’m good because you’re also good Ma’am†¦ â€Å"I agree with you Susan†¦You, Ma’am Kendall & all teachers are our happiness & inspiration in school†¦ â€Å"Thank you also Susan for your kind words†¦It adds joy to my heart as you say it†¦You’re all the reason why I am here†¦he-he-he†¦Chris it’s your turn now†¦Ready?†â€Å"Yes Ma’am†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ballooooooot, Ballooooooooot†¦For sale†¦for sale Nutritious Ballooooot†¦For sale delicious Ballooooot†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Hey, girl! Come here!I’ll your ballot! (Drunk man)†¦How much is ten pieces?††¦ †Thirteen each Sir†¦130 all in all Sir†¦Ã¢â‚¬ †¦.†What?!?†¦your over-pricing young girl†¦That’s so expensive†¦here’s what is good to your Ballot†¦Uuummm†¦Uuummm†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Oh no!!! No!!!Pls stop it!huhuhu†¦pls stop it Sir†¦pls†¦What have you than to my Ballot†¦huhuhu†¦what have you done? You have no pity, drunkard†¦huhuhu†¦You’ll be paying for this†¦huhuhu†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Wooowww!!! Amazing performance Chris†¦you did a great job! Your really getting better in your piece Chris†¦Congratulations! I am so happy that you really are practicing so well†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Thank you so much Ma’am†¦we are so happy doing this for all of us Ma’am†¦We will try to win in our contest.†In a surprise, Rommel rushed hurriedly inside our classroom and telling something bad news to Ma’am and his catching his breath†¦Rommel is Ma’am Kendall’s nephew†¦ â€Å"Tita Ram†¦please, pls†¦be in a hurry†¦Lola was brought to the hospital†¦she was again attacked of her Asthma†¦she seemed not to look good this time Tita†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"What?†¦My goodness†¦oh my, oh my Good Lord, pls help my mother†¦ Please†¦Lord God please help her again this time†¦Okay†¦let’s go†¦Excuse me class†¦I should attend my mother in the hospital†¦Take good care of yourself†¦Be home early Okay?†¦Don’t go anywhere†¦Go home early okay?†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Okay, Ma’am†¦don’t worry about us Ma’am†¦please take care also Ma’am†¦Please be calm & relax Ma’am†¦we will help pray to God, that your mother will get better Ma’am†¦Ã¢â‚¬ We were speechless while following Ma’am Kendall on her way to the hospital†¦we just stared to each other without any sound from ourselves†¦I just realized we are all shocked†¦after a while, I asked my classmates to follow me in my prayers for Ma’am Kendall’s mother†¦We prayed not just for that moment but every moment we pray to God, we include our teachers in our prayers†¦Let us all pray for our Heroes, our Teachers†¦
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Data protection Act 1998 Essay
The Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) is a United Kingdom Act of Parliament which defines UK law on the processing of data on identifiable living people. It is the main piece of legislation that governs the protection of personal data in the UK. Although the Act itself does not mention privacy, it was enacted to bring UK law into line with the EU data protection directive of 1995 which required Member States to protect people’s fundamental rights and freedoms and in particular their right to privacy with respect to the processing of personal data. In practice it provides a way for individuals to control information about themselves. Most of the Act does not apply to domestic use, for example keeping a personal address book. Anyone holding personal data for other purposes is legally obliged to comply with this Act, subject to some exemptions. The Act defines eight data protection principles. It also requires companies and individuals to keep personal information to themselves. The 22 August 1998 Act replaced and consolidated earlier legislation such as the Data Protection Act 1984 and the Access to Personal Files Act 1987. At the same time it aimed to implement the European Data Protection Directive. In some aspects, notably electronic communication and marketing, it has been refined by subsequent legislation for legal reasons. The Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 altered the consent requirement for most electronic marketing to â€Å"positive consent†such as an opt in box. Exemptions remain for the marketing of â€Å"similar products and services†to existing cu stomers and enquirers, which can still be permissioned on an opt out basis. The Act’s definition of â€Å"personal data†covers any data that can be used to identify a living individual. Anonymised or aggregated data is not regulated by the Act, providing the anonymisation or aggregation has not been done in a reversible way. Individuals can be identified by various means including their name and address, telephone number or Email address. The Act applies only to data which is held, or intended to be held, on computers (‘equipment operating automatically in response to instructions given for that purpose’), or held in a ‘relevant filing system’. [3] In some cases even a paper address book can be classified as a ‘relevant filing system’, for example diaries used to support commercial activities such as a salesperson’s diary. The Freedom of Information Act 2000 modified the act for public bodies and authorities, and the Durant case modified the interpretation of the act by providing case law and precedent.[4] The Data Protection Act creates rights for those who have their data stored, and responsibilities for those who store, process or transmit such data. The person who has their data processed has the right to: [5] View the data an organisation holds on them. A ‘subject access request’ can be obtained for a nominal fee. As of January 2014, the maximum fee is  £2 for requests to credit reference agencies,  £50 for health and educational request, and  £10 per individual otherwise, [6] Request that incorrect information be corrected. If the company ignores the request, a court can order the data to be corrected or destroyed, and in some cases compensation can be awarded. Require that data is not used in any way that may potentially cause damage or distress. Require that their data is not used for direct marketing.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on Taxes In America
The subject of taxes in America has been a big pill to swallow for many Americans, especially the working class. It is true that many good things come out of certain taxes, but is that the whole story? Do all of our tax dollars go to the right things? Is our government even using our tax dollars for good purposes? I read a book over the summer by Bill O’Reilly, the famous TV correspondent who has his own television show called The O’Reilly Factor. In his book he discussed the heavy topic of America’s taxing system under the Clinton administration. Did you know that our government couldn’t compensate for forty-eight billion dollars? It does not know where it is, so they say, and the politicians will not show us, American citizens who pay the taxes, the record books on how they spend our tax money (O’Reilly 112). Do you, as an American taxpayer, have the right to know how your tax dollars are spent? The government sure doesn’t think so. In the last years of the Clinton administration, 26,000 very special Americans received $8.5 million in food stamps. The reason that these Americans were special is that they were dead at the time the food stamps arrived. During that same period of time, the General Accounting Office estimates that more than $100 billion was erroneously sent to Medicare recipients (O’Reilly 110). Of course it is we the taxpayers who fund all Fletcher 2 this waste. As of January 2001, when President Bush took office, U.S. taxes were at their highest level since World War II, a time of grave national crisis and an unquestionable need for spending for national survival (Robertson 26). I don’t get it. Have you looked at your paycheck lately? Or have you just given up? Perhaps we’re just numb and don’t recognize that America is a functioning â€Å"tax culture.†Almost every action we take in our daily lives, from the necessities to the frivolous, activates a tax consequence. And it’s not just... Free Essays on Taxes In America Free Essays on Taxes In America The subject of taxes in America has been a big pill to swallow for many Americans, especially the working class. It is true that many good things come out of certain taxes, but is that the whole story? Do all of our tax dollars go to the right things? Is our government even using our tax dollars for good purposes? I read a book over the summer by Bill O’Reilly, the famous TV correspondent who has his own television show called The O’Reilly Factor. In his book he discussed the heavy topic of America’s taxing system under the Clinton administration. Did you know that our government couldn’t compensate for forty-eight billion dollars? It does not know where it is, so they say, and the politicians will not show us, American citizens who pay the taxes, the record books on how they spend our tax money (O’Reilly 112). Do you, as an American taxpayer, have the right to know how your tax dollars are spent? The government sure doesn’t think so. In the last years of the Clinton administration, 26,000 very special Americans received $8.5 million in food stamps. The reason that these Americans were special is that they were dead at the time the food stamps arrived. During that same period of time, the General Accounting Office estimates that more than $100 billion was erroneously sent to Medicare recipients (O’Reilly 110). Of course it is we the taxpayers who fund all Fletcher 2 this waste. As of January 2001, when President Bush took office, U.S. taxes were at their highest level since World War II, a time of grave national crisis and an unquestionable need for spending for national survival (Robertson 26). I don’t get it. Have you looked at your paycheck lately? Or have you just given up? Perhaps we’re just numb and don’t recognize that America is a functioning â€Å"tax culture.†Almost every action we take in our daily lives, from the necessities to the frivolous, activates a tax consequence. And it’s not just...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
12 Author Websites That Get It Right
12 Author Websites That Get It Right 12 Author Websites That Get It Right Now that you’ve learned our 10 Tips on How to Make an Author Website, you’re probably ready to set up shop. If you’re itching to make a big impression but need a boost of creativity to get you started, check out the 12 author websites below. Each website was picked because it features an example of effective and personal author marketing.Take a look, and don’t forget to leave us your thoughts and opinions in the comments!1. David Sedaris: Put your book front and centerAuthors often make the mistake of thinking that people visit their websites just to read their bio. Are you, the author, important? Sure, but your book’s more important. Let people know they’re on an author’s website by making your product the star of the show, as David Sedaris does. A minimalist setup makes it impossible not to notice the main event: David’s new book.Her Contact Follow page - one of the most important spots on any author’s website - tell you exactly where you can find her, and precisely what you will find her doing there:I use Twitter and Tumblr to share links to my daily Billfold posts along with the other freelance writing work I do every week, so they’re great places to follow my vast fast writing output.I use Instagram to share what I’m reading and where I’m going. If you want to know even more about what I’m reading, follow me on Goodreads.Sign up for my TinyLetter to get updates on The Biographies of Ordinary People, upcoming classes, and other relevant news.These days, we have so many different ways of communicating with a person, that it almost feels harder than ever just to connect with someone. Not so on Nicole’s website.Takeaway: Playing hard to get is not a wise move for an indie author. If you’ve achieved the great success of having potential readers, agents, or publishers land on your website, don’t make it hard for them to find you. A dedicated, well-thought-out and well-maintained contact page is key. Author websites tip #12: Make it clear how to reach you. In order to sell books, indie authors need to first invest in their books. Part of this involves using as many of the marketing resources in their arsenal as possible, and this absolutely includes an author website. Each of the examples showcase best practices when it comes to author websites, but remember that your own website shouldn’t simply be a copy of an existing one. Take our tips and make them work for you.And if you need a hand in getting your author website set up, head to the Reedsy marketplace where we have just welcomed a host of talented, professional web designers. To find out more about how these professionals can help you build an online presence and get a free quote, visit our Author Website Design page.If you're looking for even more inspiration, check out an older post of ours on Author Website Design Inspiration.If any of our tips help you improve your author website - or if your site hits the mark to begin with - drop the link in the comments so we c an check it out!
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Assessing a Company Welness Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Assessing a Company Welness Plan - Essay Example The management should strive to capture the demographic information of all the employees including their medical history and wellness needs. The management should also incorporate the needs of the employee spouses and dependants in the wellness plans in order to attract full participation of all the employees. Cost shifting and reducing the employee benefits in order to provide the wellness programs may attract a lot of resistance from the employees Company wellness plan Introduction Employers are now expected to create safe working environments, improve the employee health and implement programs which reduce the medical costs as well as increase the employee work efficiency (Jackson, Schuler & Werner, 2012). Employers are also expected to meet the workplace health regulations set by the local and State regulatory authorities hence the company wellness plans can be customized to meet these needs. The company wellness plan should include wellness facility planning, health and producti vity plans, executive health programs, employee health improvement plans, on-site health care and worker’s compensation management (Jackson, Schuler & Werner, 2012). ... Customized Company wellness programs are beneficial to the organization and cost effective to the employer (Bray, 2009). Company wellness plans have numerous benefits to both the employers and the employee. The plans result to increased productivity, less absenteeism and reduced disability claims (Bray, 2009). Health promotion in the wellness plan gives the employees a sense of ownership of the program hence they can work together to improve the safety standards in the organization (Jackson, Schuler & Werner, 2012). Tobacco smoking is one of the leading causes of respiratory related diseases hence implementing tobacco cessation programs in the wellness plan can help the company retain most of its skilled employers and reduce the costs associated with recruiting and training new employees. Companies benefit greatly from prevention of violence in the workplace and diversity education since the wellness plans result in economic savings (Jackson, Schuler & Werner, 2012). Obesity and toba cco provoke indirect hazards related to health care hence the company can improve the welfare of the employees by addressing these health challenges. The Company wellness program develops a Company culture of shared beliefs and norms where employees know that they are expected to exhibit a particular healthy behavior and lifestyle (Jackson, Schuler & Werner, 2012). Companies face numerous challenges in implementing the wellness plans. The main challenge is the availability of demographic data of the employees. Companies’ employees comprise different age groups each with unique health needs (Bray, 2009). The company may face challenges in obtaining the disease history of the employees since such information is
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